Finding time for yourself
Okay. Sure. So here I am on the computer trying to read about freeing up my time and my three year-old just let out a scream; something about his older sister making a face at him. At the same time, the phone rings. It’s Mom. She’s coming up for the weekend and the house is a mess. My part-time job keeps getting more and more full-time. Daycare just raised their rates. And the dog just threw up on the carpet.
Sometimes life seems like a steamroller, flattening everything in its path and compressing your time into hard, flat, immovable routines. How can you possibly free up time for yourself?
You can – and here are some ideas:
Imperfection saves time. Stop trying to do everything perfectly. Imperfection can save you time. You know that neighbor who always has her house in order? Forget that! She’s probably on Speed laced with Valium. Don’t try to keep up with her – you’ve got kids for crying out loud. In fact, they cry out load often!
Let your kids make their own beds. Most children find it fun to do what “big people” do. Find ways to make a game out of it. And here’s the most important part: don’t smooth out the wrinkles. As they get older they’ll get better at it. This way they won’t feel they’ve failed, and your time will be freed up.
Let them get their own early morning snack. You know that bottom lettuce drawer? It doesn’t need to be for lettuce. Put apples, carrots, and whatever you don’t mind them eating in that drawer. When they get up in the morning, they can run to the fridge and feed themselves – and you get a few more minutes to relax.
Delegate. Even though this is the twenty-first century, it still holds true with couples that one person does most of the housework. And forget political correctness – let’s say it . . . it’s usually the woman. Girls stand up for yourselves; let your man share the load. “But he works so hard all day,” you say. Really? So how many diapers did he change at the office? How often did he clean the floor at work only to have a co-worker dump a bowl of oatmeal on it?
And hubbies, we know you’re tired – but take a close look at your wife. Our guess is she’s looking a little gaunt herself. Before you sit down, do the dishes. Bring dinner home – or better yet, cook dinner. And most important take over the kids and let her crash for a while.
Have business meetings. Once a week, sit down together and plan out the coming week. Who will do what when, that sort of thing. This way the both of you know your “jobs,” and there is less room for confusion.